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5 Reasons Your Digital Marketing Needs to Get Personal

When it comes to marketing in the digital world, the human aspect is needed.  What does this mean?  Well, according to current trends, fluff approaches and the old car salesman tactics are dead with regards to social media marketing.  By connecting with your audience on a more personal level, you’re building more trusting relationships.

Connecting gains interest.

Getting interpersonal matters now more than ever before, so you want to truly relate to your audience.  Understanding exactly who they are, how they think, and what motivates them will give you the advantage of being able to answer to their needs effectively.  By speaking your followers’ language, you’ll begin to gain interest from more like-minded people.

Relating with your audience can make you an authority.

Once you’ve connected with your audience, you can start relaying information relevant to their needs.  With that in mind, you become a go-to resource for them to stay updated.  By keeping your audience informed and staying a step ahead, you will naturally put yourself in a position of authority and keep your followers returning for more.

It establishes your word as GOLD.

Think of personal media as a digital form of the old handshake, and every assurance you post on social media is an opportunity to prove you can follow through.  By fulfilling your commitments, you’re establishing and gaining the trust of your audience.  Empty promises are not going to benefit in terms of longevity.

Search Engines are becoming EVEN more humanized.

More than 20% of queries searched daily on Google have never been used before, which only proves that the human aspect of search is intricate.  Therefore, the way humans search significantly impacts the search community.  With that being said, make sure to optimize your website using queries that relate on a human level with your target audience.

Telling YOUR STORY helps to sell your business.

Your customers seek a personal connection when making a decision on whether or not to do business with you.  No matter what social media platform you’re using, there needs to be a personal connection that hits home with your audience on an emotional level.  One of the biggest misconceptions is that social media is to be used as a selling channel when, in fact, it is used to build awareness and create interest.  So, utilize social media with a humanized approach to interact one-on-one with potential prospects.

Want to learn more about humanizing your business? Contact us today for a quick convo. We don’t bite, PROMISE.

Download 5 Essentials for Strategic Human Marketing Whitepaper

Razor Sharp Digital

The mighty of the human marketing world. 6+ years in the making and 20+ years seasonality.