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Podcasts are getting a visual boost with Anchor Video.

Spice Up Your Marketing with Anchor.FM Video Podcasting Capabilities

Podcasting has been around since the 1980s, yet it didn’t really start to take off until about 2004 with the rise of iPod and other digital audio playback devices.  Now, in 2018, it is still widely used as a means to establish authority by experts in various fields.  Although video is still highly regarded as the most effective marketing tool, audio is close behind.  But, with video marketing on the rise, as various social media platforms are offering them as an option for businesses, podcasts as strictly audio have been left in the dark.

Anchor.FM’s Video Podcasting Capabilities, a free podcasting platform, has introduced video creation for the web, and it is innovating how podcasts are shared.  You can easily visualize audio segments of your podcast with word-by-word transcription paired with beautiful graphics that will draw attention to your podcast in ways it couldn’t before.  And it’s so simple to use!

How It Works

First, you will need to create an account at for your podcast and record an episode.  While you’re there, feel free to follow our channel. From there, you will need to save the video as a draft. On the following page, you should see an icon that looks like a movie projector on the dash of your episode.  Click on that to generate your video.

Next, it will show you an example of the transcription generated automatically by Anchor of your audio, and you can edit where it is needed.  The video is only 3 minutes long, so you can choose a highlight clip of your podcast to feature as well. Once you’ve perfected the transcription, click next to choose your graphic. Only a limited number of color combinations are available right now, but there is also an option to add your own hex codes to keep your graphics colors on brand.

Finally, save and generate your video.  It may take a few minutes, but your video will be available to preview and download in square, wide, or story format so that you can easily upload it to whichever social media platform you choose.  With Anchor’s simple video creation now available on the web, sharing your podcasts in new and creative ways has never been so easy!


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Razor Sharp Digital

The mighty of the human marketing world. 6+ years in the making and 20+ years seasonality.