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How To Up Your SEO Game: Proven Tips and Tricks For Growth

Search engine optimization (SEO) is important to any social media marketing game plan. Whether you are just starting your blog or have been writing for a while, you know it is challenging to get your site near the top of Google’s search results. With some good SEO tips and a bit of persistence, you can gain a head start on your competitors. Here are some tried-and-true techniques that can give you a step up on your competition. 

Produce Good Content

Good content is a must these days for good SEO. Interesting, well-written, well-researched content that is useful and relevant to your audience is what is going to keep your followers coming back for more. Becoming the “go-to” resource in your niche means that links and ranks will come naturally.

You can look to the internet, your competitors’ social media or blog posts, or what’s trending for content ideas. Check out the news and social media feeds to see what is hot at the moment. When you write something about trending content, you have the potential to harness large traffic generated by the hype.

Recycling old content is also a great place to start for new article ideas. Look at what already exists, could you write a Part 2 for any of these topics? Do you perhaps have a new perspective on older ideas? The possibilities are endless when recycling old content.

Remember that with blog posts, consistency is key. Readers return to a website for consistency and an author they can rely on. The best way to maintain a schedule is by having a content calendar. Make sure to always keep the content fresh and relevant!

Use Relevant Keywords

You need to use relevant keywords in your content if you want to optimize your SEO and rank highly in Google searches. You want all the keywords on your site to apply to what people are searching for. This involves knowing your audience, what type of language they used to search for, and what keywords see a high flow of traffic. 

Do keyword research to check what keywords are trending or are best for your content. Google Suggest is a good way to lengthen your keyword list, as well. 

Use these keywords in the first 100 words of your post for maximum attention. 

Use Those Keywords In Your Posts’ URLs

When you are writing new posts, set the URL to contain your keywords for the article. Try to keep the keyword upfront and the URL short, as that suggests high relevance. 

Include Your Keyword In Your Title

Keywords in the title and title tags are important for SEO. This makes your blog appear more relevant for the “search spiders.” Try to put the keyword at the beginning of the title, for maximum effect. 

Use Images

Posts need images to go with them. Images improve the reader’s experience and attract more traffic. Additionally, having images in your posts brings your accompanying text to life. Choose images that complement what you are trying to illustrate in your writing. 

If you do it right, your image could be another tool for bringing people to your site. Users that search for a relevant image on Google will have a chance to find your original image. From there, they’ll be able to link to your website. To make sure your image appears in relevant searches, make sure you add an alt tag to your image, including your keyword, and save the file under a relevant name, again including your keyword. 

Post Unique Content

Again, good content is important for good SEO! Add unique content on your blog’s category pages to help boost your ranking, especially if you put a blog post in multiple categories.

Having unique posts on each category page will help the page not come across as spam. 

Link To Other, High-Quality Sites

Linking to reputable and relevant sites can actually help your blog show up higher in rankings. If you mention another company or tool in your post, make sure you link to them. You can even link other blogs that offer useful information on the same topic as your blog posts. 

When you link to these sites, find the webmaster and send them an email letting them know you’ve linked to them. This increases the chances that they will provide a link back to your blog post. Don’t outright ask for a link when you first contact these webmasters. This first email is meant to connect and start a conversation.

Use Video To Tell Stories

VIdeo is more valuable than ever. Video captivates your audience, tells a story, and hopes to elicit an emotional response from the viewer. 

Don’t let a budget keep you down when it comes to video storytelling. There are plenty of options available to create a video, from phone recordings to motion graphics. Just keep it compelling!

Make It Shareable

Link your other sites and social media accounts to your website or blog. This will lure even more visitors to your site, which will in turn boost your rankings. Add buttons for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and any other social media accounts you have for your business.

Use Google’s Webmaster Tools

Google offers a helpful package of tools to help you learn your blog’s keyword rank, see who is linking to you, and more. The Google Search Console tools and reports help you measure your site’s search traffic and performance, fix issues, and make your site appear better in Google Search Results. 

You should make it a habit to check these reports regularly. Based on this data, you can re-evaluate and adjust your blog or website as necessary. 

Final Thoughts

SEO is essential to getting your blog ranked high. Good SEO will take time to learn, but slowly but surely, you’ll get there and any extra learning you’re done provides you with an edge over your competition. Give it enough time, and you should start to see results if you follow these tips. Of course, if you’d rather an experienced professional’s help, we’ve got your back. Call us today at (314) 537-7974.

Razor Sharp Digital

The mighty of the human marketing world. 6+ years in the making and 20+ years seasonality.